US Capitol Building in Washington, DC
While midterm elections do not get as much attention as presidential elections, it's as important for everyday people, including Catholics, to participate in this political process. Midterm elections determine the make-up of the House of Representatives and the Senate in Congress. The 2022 election will significantly shape the policy agenda of the federal government for the next two years.
In the third part of our training, we walk you through how to stay civically engaged by voting by building a relationship with your elected officials. Did you know that 9 out of 10 (91%) congressional staffers surveyed said it would be helpful to have information about the impact the bill/issue would have on the district or state, but only 9% say they receive that information frequently. This webinar will give you the tools and the confidence to start building a relationship with your elected officials so your advocacy will be even more effective.
Watch the training below.
- Learn more here about forming your conscience from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
- Download here "The Advocate's Toolbox."
Watch the other sessions of "Advocacy Training for Faithful Citizens:"