Season 1 Trailer for Jubilee for the Earth
“Jubilee for the Earth: biodiversity & our sacred story” is a podcast mini-series about the beauty of biodiversity and the threats it faces.
It is produced by the Missionary Society of St. Columban. We are a Society of priests and lay people who live and share the good news of the Gospel by working with those who are poor and exploited, including the earth.
Over the course of six episodes, we’ll explore the beauty of biodiversity and the threats it faces. We’ll travel around the world to hear from Columbans who are working to renew the face of the Earth. Grounded in Catholic Social Teaching, we hope that this podcast will help us all to see how caring for our common home is fundamental to our lives as people of faith and as global citizens.
You can listen to the podcast on Apple, Spotify, or SoundCloud, or watch the video on Facebook or YouTube.
“Each year sees the disappearance of thousands of plant and animal species which we will never know, which our children will never see, because they have been lost forever. The great majority become extinct for reasons related to human activity. Because of us, thousands of species will no longer give glory to God by their very existence, nor convey their message to us. We have no such right.”
These words come from Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical letter on the environment. The encyclical reminded Catholics and all people of goodwill of something many of us had forgotten about: that caring for our brother and sister species is fundamental to our lives as people of faith and as global citizens.
And yet, in 2019, an international group of scientists predicted that up to one million plant and animal species face extinction due to human activities. This mass extinction has already started, and it will be more severe and longer lasting than any previous mass extinction event.
That’s why, in time for the 2020 Season of Creation, the Missionary Society of St. Columban is launching “Jubilee for the Earth,” a podcast mini-series about the beauty of biodiversity and the threats it faces.
My name is Wesley Cocozello. As a member of the justice, peace, and ecology team for the Columbans, I’ll be your host during this podcast’s six episodes. Starting August 31, we’ll travel around the world to hear from Columbans who are working to renew the face of the Earth.
Now more than ever, we humans need to heal our broken relationship with the rest of God’s creation. We hope you’ll join us this Season of Creation.
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