The US Region of the Columbans stands in solidarity with Annunciation House, a faith-based Catholic organization in El Paso, living out the Gospel mandate to “Welcome the…
Justice, Peace and Ecology Articles
After listening to migrants tell me their stories, I've come to believe that the abuse inflicted on them by law enforcement is the worst kind, the most dangerous and cruel…
While Columbans have long advocated for an end to Title 42, we condemn the Biden administration for replacing it with yet another asylum ban.
In 2019, Columbans started our Migrant Ministry in Ciudad Juárez to welcome and protect migrants and currently we assist between 800 to 1,000 individuals per day.
"At the same time that we celebrate the earth, let us also acknowledge the harm that we are causing to it and dedicate ourselves to making the spirit of Earth Day part of…
The senseless slaughter of migrants slaughter should provoke in us an honesty, whether you’re from Mexico or the United States, to say to yourself, “how am I responsible…
It is a tradition on the border to celebrate the “Posadas”, a reenactment of the Holy Family's journey to Bethlehem. This year it feels like we are living that in real…
HONG KONG - Con motivo de la COP27 de las Naciones Unidas sobre cambio climático en Sharm El-Sheik, Egipto, (6-17 de noviembre) y la COP15 de la ONU sobre…
홍콩 - 이집트 샤름 엘 셰이크에서 기후 변화에 관한 UN의 COP27(11월 6~17일)과 캐나다 몬트리올에서 생물 다양성에 관한 UN의 COP15(7~19 , 12월), 골롬반 선교사들은 가난하고 취약한 환경에 처한 사람들과 상처 입은 지구 모두의 외침에 귀를 기울이는…
It is essential for UN negotiators to listen to the cries of both people who are poor and living in vulnerable conditions and the wounded planet.
At the heart of the Fijian way of life is "Bula Veiwekani." "Bula" means "life" and "Veiwekani" means "relationships."